Saturday, November 23, 2013
"Iran Ready for  Economic Corporation" "Iran Ready for Economic Corporation"
By Dr.mazraati @ 2:52 PM :: 6752 Views :: 0 Comments :: Article Rating :: News

Prof. Dr. Friedbert Pflüger , Director - European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS), after a two-day stay in Kish Island to attend the NDFI conference and delivering a very insightful speech, in his return to his country wrote an essay titled " Iran Ready for Economic Corporation " in German well-known large-circulation newspaper "FAZ" .

In his essay, he said : Due to Iran’s rich resources of oil and gas, the World needs to have good relations with Iran and Dr. Rouhani's foreign policy is a good opportunity for western countries.

Talking about his presence in the first international conference of NDFI, he said: negotiation has a positive impact on Iranian economy.

Referring to Iran's Ministry of Petroleum invitation of western companies for cooperation in Iran’s oil industry, he said: To fulfill Iran's great potential, Iranian Ministry of Petroleum tries to establish good relations with the world.

Prof. Pflüger, in his essay, talked about Iran’s great potentials in renewable energy and suggested for developing these kinds of energy and added that some contracts should be entered into by Iran and the West to lift sanctions.

Emphasizing on the good consequences of lifting sanctions for all countries, he said : Negotiating Countries must find a solutions as soon as possible .