In NDF Induction and Valedictory Ceremony held to introduce the new Chairman and members of NDF Executive Board, NDF Chairman Dr. Ghazanfari emphasized on delegation of some powers and authorities by the Board of Trustees to NDF Executive Board, NDF Public Relations Department reported.
Highlighting the importance of powers and authorities delegated to NDF, he then added: “management of accounts made independently from Central Bank; active presence in domestic and foreign investment markets; use of banks credit lines to strengthen financial facilities in national currency; foreign currency trade through Central Bank Portal to settle foreign currency dues to NDF; receiving NDF financial claims from the government; broader interaction with other financial, monetary, executive and judicial organizations; and expansion of international ties with other funds for investment purposes are chief among the main plans of the NDF under his management”.
During the ceremony, held in presence of Vice-president and the Head of Planning and Budget Organization, Dr. Ghazanfari, underlining the coincidence between the ceremony and the auspicious anniversary of Hazrat Vali Asr Imamate, hoped that NDF would take effective steps towards national development aimed at fulfilling the orders and guidelines set out by the Supreme Leader of I.R. Iran.
According to the report by NDF Public Relations Department, expressing his gratitude to the former executive board, Dr. Ghazanfari appreciated all managerial efforts to maintain equanimity in the fund within the preceding years. NDF Chairman then added:“According to orders and recommendations of the President, close interaction with the Inttelectuals and experts to help the fund is essential. In fact, the fund belongs to Iranian nation and we hope we would manage to realize all goals and objectives of the 13th government relying on a consistent plan and in collaboration with other members of the government and in accordance with Spatial Planning Project”. “The opportunities in next four years are limited and we must make the best use of the moments before us and use all existing capacities of NDF for fundamental investments to preserve the share of the next generations and fulfillment of national economic plans”, added NDF Chairman.
End of the Message./