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The secretary of the third international conference of the National Development Fund has announced:

The focus of the announcement is on the explanation of modern governance for the National Development Fund

  • 24 April 2023
  • 14:14
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The focus of the announcement is on the explanation of modern governance for the National Development Fund

In reference to the third conference with the slogan "Modern Governance in the National Development Fund," Afshari stated that the conference will be held on May 14th, 2023, at the Iran Broadcasting Conference Center, covering 14 domestic and international topics

Hossein Afshari stated in an interview with the public relations department of the National Development Fund that this conference will be held with an international approach and prominent figures such as Diego Lopez, the CEO of GSWF, Andrew Rozanov, an investment advisor to some of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, foreign ambassadors, representatives of major global funds, as well as domestic political and economic figures have been invited to attend.

Holding a series of webinars for the Fund Conference starting from April 17th, 2023

Referring to the specialized webinars held on the subject of the National Development Fund conference, the speaker stated that after the second conference of the National Development Fund held last year and considering the fund's new approach and policies, as well as the received articles, meetings were held to increase knowledge and specialized webinars on various topics, especially the fund's position in the country and the importance of preserving future generations' share through wealth generation and the fund's entry into the investment sector. These webinars, which were held weekly with the presence of experts in this field, have been ongoing since April 18th, 2023, focusing on the third National Development Fund conference.

Unveiling of 5 books in the field of sovereign wealth funds

"Afshari mentioned the translation of 5 books in the field of sovereign wealth funds as one of the National Development Fund's actions to enhance knowledge in the past year and added that these books have been translated with the aim of increasing knowledge and information in this field and enlightening the public about the importance and position of the National Development Fund, which will be unveiled in this conference. According to the secretary of the third National Development Fund conference, several specialized panels will be held in the areas of domestic, foreign, banking, and credit investments with the presence of the board members and managers of the National Development Fund, experts, and stakeholders in each field.."

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